Restricted to group rights

Restricted to group rights

In MiniCRM, it is possible to create groups to which you can add users with “restricted to group” rights.

It is useful if more than one sales team is working separately in one branch because they can see the data of clients belonging to their group but cannot see clients belonging to other groups.

So several teams can work in a system without seeing each other’s data or disturbing each other

One user can only be added to one group.

Only admins can create groups. To create one, go to the Settings >Users page and click on the  wrench icon next to the “Group” field.

You can edit groups in the popup window.

*Can only access data of their group.

Manager restricted to group

Users with these rights only see the cards of those users who are in the same group irrespective of the other users’ rights.

They also have access to the reports of the group. These rights are recommended to team leaders.

Restricted to group

Users with these rights only see the cards of those users who are in the same group irrespective of the other users’ rights.

Adding “non-group” users

It is possible to add users who are not assigned to a group so the members of the group can see every card of the user whose rights remain the same.